Nya Öl

systembolaget.se requested me to remove Nya Öl so it is no longer available at the App Store, sorry.

In Sweden all beers above 3.5% ABV are sold at Systembolaget .

Wikipedia page about Systembolaget .

Systembolaget is a store where different distributers sell their products and each month there are new and temporary products for sale. This usually happens on the 1'th and 15'th each month.

Often these new beers can be interesting and quite good if you like special beers, and this little iPhone app was written to easily check the new beers list at Systembolaget.se

"Nya Öl" means "New Beer" in Swedish .

Version history
2.1 Minor user interface fixes
Is in review
2.0 Handle Systembolaget's new formats
1.3 Handle Systembolaget's new temporary beer list
Shows beers with reduced prices in list
1.2 Showing store availability
Nicer retrieval method for GSM connected devices
1.1 Changed update method
Added Favorites list with star rating as In-App-Purchase
Send Favorites list by email
1.0 First release
iPhone or iPod touch with firmware 3.0 or higher

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